Sunday, February 26, 2012

Getting into a routine is HARD!! part two

I have spent a good deal of time thinking about how I would like to put my routine into place. (mainly while nursing Evee, since I am stuck sitting anyways) ;-) I have decided that I am in need of a daily routine as well as a chore routine that handles the weekly/monthly chores. I am hoping this will help me not have days were I feel SO overwhelmed it is hard to even get started. I am also hoping this will help us fit in working out and homeschooling without feeling pressured. So here is the tentative schedule I have worked out. I am always open for changing things as the kids grow and our needs change.

·         Get kids up by 830

·         Change kids

·         Make beds

·         Start load of laundry fold the load that is in the dryer from night before

·         Eat

·         Email (while kids eat)

·         Circle time/homeschool (half hour)


·         Eat no later than 1pm

·         Unload dishwasher (load am dishes)

·         Wipe counters/table/high chair

·         Move over laundry/tidy up house

·         Quiet time (my time for email and workout)

·         Shower


·         Dinner by 630pm

·         Bath

·         Pjs/teeth/vitamins

·         Fold load in dryer

·         Load and run dishwasher

·         Wash counters/table/high chair

·         Read stories

·         Kids bed by 930pm

·         Mom bed by 11pm

Clean master and kids bathroom
Wash kitchen/dining room floor
Wash Windows
Clean down stairs bathroom
Deep clean kitchen
Wash sheets (catch-up on laundry day)
 Make bread and yogurt

Clean fridge
Go through stock pile of food and move older things to front

I will add chores as I realize I forgot them. I am going to write up the chores for the week on a white board and add the bi-weekly when necessary. I am not going to freak if I don't follow this sometimes as things come up with the kids but I hope this will help alleviate my some of my stress and overwhelmed feelings.

A catch up on the recipes I did last week, I HATE HOMEMADE SOY MILK as a drink or in my smoothies. I LOVE EDAMAME but I HATE soy milk. It is good for baking and I like that I can control the sugar/salt content but Kevin and I think it tastes terrible. I loved the yogurt and different dips we made as well as the yam taco. I changed the recipe a bit but I followed the key ingredients. I added more vegtables and didnt get to make the pesto so I made homemade salsa.

Over the weekend I made polenta for the first time and we loved it. I made braised veggies with it and then had left overs with eggs and veggies for breakfast! YUMMY! 

1 comment:

  1. Hehe sorry that soy milk didn't work out for you! I'm not a huge fan of soy, so I can understand it tasting not so good! =p=p

    Those yam tacos were DELICIOUS by the way =] SO YUM! And this is making me want to try out edamame! I've been wanting to for awhile now! =]

    Also about the chores and things, I've been pondering on this too for awhile! I've decided that what I need is a HUGE whiteboard =] That would solve a lot of my planning problems! I need to write things down to remember them, and writing them down and being able to check them off my list would make it way easier for me to organize! Time to start shopping for that white board! hahaha..
