Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Got lost in snow craze!!

Have not blogged recently for a lot of reasons but mostly because I just have not had a lot of alone time to get it done. Sadly, the only reason I have a little alone time today is because JJ is not feeling well and is taking his first nap in over 6 months. He passed out on my bed after laying down on his own free will. He has some sort of eye infection. :(

We have still been busy as always though. I have finished a few projects but I am not ready to post about them yet.

Since it is snowing, I figured it was only appropriate to share what we have been doing to occupy our time since we are snowed in (only one car and Kevin had to take it to work).

We have made:
Snow Ice Cream (After a lot of research, I loved this website because it gave us options on how we wanted to make the snow ice cream and lots of ideas we are going to try again later.)
We made two kinds on snow ice cream but between the two kiddos "helping" I only got a few pictures. We made the mix the snow in the milk/cream kind and the put the snow in a bag and the cream in a little bag inside of the snow and and mix kind. I have to say after having both Jaedyn and I both liked the put the snow in a bag and then the cream in a smaller bag and not let the snow touch our ice cream simply because it was smoother and richer. The kind where you mix the snow in is a LOT easier with little kids though. Its like instant gratification. We made the mix the snow in kind chocolate using a bit of coco powder in the mix. We made the other kind vanilla.
jj mixing it all up
finished snow mixture

Snow "gems" (These are currently freezing in the snow and awaiting jj in his bath tonight, he is too cold and tired to play with them in the snow today, we will make more tomorrow if there is still snow to play in)
These did not work as well as hoped. I reccomment using small water ballons since they hold more and you can make them bigger and the ballon is thinner so it would have actually frozen solid like we had hoped.
water in balloons
Freezing the water

now paint ( I didn't have spray bottles so I used old mustard and ketchup bottles I also use for homemade chalk during the summer because jj isn't ready to have to paint it all over he loves to squirt it and make designs)
our painted snowman

Freezable Sugar Cookies (we made the drop cookie version today and froze more then half of the dough so we have some ready for other days)

Freezable Peanut Butter/chocolate chip cookies (we added the chocolate chips to the recipe)

Slow Cooked Chuck Roast (I didn't use sour cream, I used our homemade plain yogurt instead)

Spinach Pesto chicken with noodles (this is where I got the idea. I honestly didn't use a recipe and just made it to taste. I decided to add grilled chicken to my pasta and mix it all together. FYI Jaedyn LOVES this recipe and just thinks this is how we make pesto) 
Homemade liquid Laundry Soap (FYI I LOVE THIS SOAP, but I don't put it in a 2 gallon bucket, I put it in a large yogurt container, well two to accommodate it and only make about 1/3 at a time, then I have one under the sink for later and one I use in the laundry room at a time)

Those are just the things we got done. We are still working on our crate paper flowers to decorate for Valentines Day. I will be posting more details and pictures later! :)