Wednesday, January 4, 2012

school is in session!

I am going to start JJ with some homeschooling preschool this next week. We always work in learning things as we go but this is going to be the first time I start doing an actual planned out lesson plan with certain letters and numbers and shapes we focus on each week. I am starting out doing it a certain letter, a certain number, a certain shape, color and a corresponding animal/noun a week. We will go from there. Next week is A, 1, circle, red and apple. I am keeping it pretty basic for now and we will go through the alphabet with corresponding numbers, shapes, colors, and nouns every week through 26 then I will go from there and add things and make it a bit more involved as he is ready. I will be using the library and getting a few books a week to go with the theme and we will also be doing some art project too. I wish I had started in September to go with the seasons a bit more but that's ok. We will just use our day/month/weather chart and talk about seasons separate from the letters/numbers of the week.

I plan to add sounds and go back through the alphabet after this first round. We will have story/singing time everyday probably in the am and I am going to start getting him up at a certain time to start (just like we would if he was leaving for preschool). This will help me keep on track as well.

I am going to blog about this on here as well. If anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them. We are also going to be continuing our daily living things like helping to cook and learning to measure as part of our homeschool experience as well.

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